Die perfekte Länge für dein Video ✓ – Instagram, Youtube, Facebook & Co.

Bei YouTube unterscheiden wir zwischen organisch ausgespielten Posts & Paid Ads. Bei der organischen Variante sollte sich dein Video zwischen fünf und acht Minuten bewegen. Wieso? Weil Menschen auf YouTube durchaus bereit sind, sich auf Video-Content einzulassen. Beim Storytelling im Vlog-Style oder bei Interviews darfst du hier auch gerne länger werden. Bei den Paid Ads… Poursuivre la lecture Die perfekte Länge für dein Video ✓ – Instagram, Youtube, Facebook & Co.

How to Fix DaVinci Resolve’s Film Emulation Problems with Youtube Compression

I just finished re-grading a 40-minute short film. It was already done and he already paid. However, for some reason, I remembered that the film will be uploaded on Youtube. If it was in Amazon Prime, Netflix, or Cinema, there wouldn’t be any problem. So, what I did was upload the film that I graded… Poursuivre la lecture How to Fix DaVinci Resolve’s Film Emulation Problems with Youtube Compression

Photo Book Review: “Our National Monuments” by QT Luong

One of my favorite ways to enjoy and learn about nature photography is through printed books and over the years, I have accumulated a large, diverse collection. Most of the books on my bookshelf fit nicely into a single category: portfolio, planning resource, reference, cultural/natural history, or photography education. Sometimes a book might fit into… Poursuivre la lecture Photo Book Review: “Our National Monuments” by QT Luong

Rule Of Thirds Assignment Winner Evan Hindman

Congratulations to Evan Hindman for winning the recent Rule Of Thirds Assignment with the image, “Short-Eared Owl.” See more of Hindman’s photography on Flickr and Instagram.  View the winning image and a selection of submissions below. And be sure to check out our current photography assignment here and enter your best shots! .alm-btn-wrap{display:block;text-align:center;padding:10px 0;margin:0 0 15px;position:relative}.alm-btn-wrap:after{display:table;clear:both;height:0;content: »}.alm-btn-wrap .alm-load-more-btn{font-size:15px;font-weight:500;width:auto;height:43px;line-height:1;background:#ed7070;-webkit-box-shadow:0… Poursuivre la lecture Rule Of Thirds Assignment Winner Evan Hindman

Photo Of The Day Ted Trafford

Photo By Ted Trafford Today’s Photo of the Day is “Balancing Act” by Ted Trafford. Want to get your images in the running for a Photo of the Day feature? Photo of the Day is chosen from various galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the website homepage, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To… Poursuivre la lecture Photo Of The Day Ted Trafford

Chiaroscuro: Light That Portrays Contrast And Drama

The term Chiaroscuro (pronounced kee-AR-ə-SKYUR-oh) has been around since the Renaissance. Primarily used in paintings and woodcuts, it evolved into the photographic world. It comes from the Italian for light/dark. It relates to how contrasts of bright highlights and heavy dark shadows intermingle and share edges. Mostly reserved for very strong contrasts, it also relates… Poursuivre la lecture Chiaroscuro: Light That Portrays Contrast And Drama

6 Tips for Color Grading Travel Videos Using Any Camera

I’ve been working as a colorist for a while now. I grade mostly short films and feature films but along the way, I receive inquiries for commercial videos, music videos, documentaries, and even vlogs. I just noticed that I never received an inquiry for color grading a travel video. Maybe because people who are creating… Poursuivre la lecture 6 Tips for Color Grading Travel Videos Using Any Camera

10 Tips for DaVinci Resolve on the iPad Pro

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