20 Photos Of People Trying To Sell Mirrors That Are So Funny And Will Make You Laugh

Here are the 20 photos of people trying to sell mirrors that are so funny and will make you laugh. People trying to take selfies in front of mirrors are so common, but here people trying to sell mirrors online and they want to take a photo of that. The problem with mirrors as it… Poursuivre la lecture 20 Photos Of People Trying To Sell Mirrors That Are So Funny And Will Make You Laugh

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This Squirrel Was Rescued From Hurricane Isaac And Refuses To Go To Sleep Without Her Teddy

This squirrel name called “Jill” was rescued from hurricane Isaac and refuses to go to sleep without her teddy. Jill is the 10-year-old and most famous squirrel on Instagram with more than 690K followers. Jill was rescued from hurricane Isaac after it hit Louisiana in August 2012. According to her owners, she fell out of… Poursuivre la lecture This Squirrel Was Rescued From Hurricane Isaac And Refuses To Go To Sleep Without Her Teddy

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Photo Of The Day By Caleb Lawson

Photo By Caleb Lawson Today’s Photo of the Day is “Grizzly Profile” by Caleb Lawson. Location: Glacier National Park, Montana. Want to get your images in the running for a Photo of the Day feature? Photo of the Day is chosen from various galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are… Poursuivre la lecture Photo Of The Day By Caleb Lawson

Tell A Story With Your Wildlife Photography

This week’s tip focuses on wildlife and how to make the best possible images of the animals you encounter. Whether you travel to India to photograph tigers, Alaska for bears, China for pandas or the Pacific to capture whales, many guidelines and strategies remain constant. As a matter of fact, because of the immense size… Poursuivre la lecture Tell A Story With Your Wildlife Photography

Why You Should Make Videos…

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Dinosaur Adventure!

Rafting the Gates of Lodore section of the Green River through Dinosaur National Monument offers photographers a wide range of geology and dramatic canyon walls to observe. After feeling trapped at home for the past couple of years, I think it is fair to say that most of us nature photographers are going a bit… Poursuivre la lecture Dinosaur Adventure!

Wie Du mit Videomarketing die Gen Z eroberst

Schaust du auf LinkedIn, scheint die Gen Z ja etwas GANZ Besonderes zu sein. Sogar ganze Unternehmen beraten nur dazu. Aber wieso? Wieso gibt es plötzlich generations-zentrierte Beratungen? Dies liegt an der Eigenschaften eines Großteils der Gen Z. Doch zurück zum Anfang : Wer ist die Gen Z. Nüchtern betrachtet bezeichnet „Gen Z“ einfach nur… Poursuivre la lecture Wie Du mit Videomarketing die Gen Z eroberst

Finding Inspiration In Our National Parks Assignment Winner Denis Dessoliers

Congratulations to Denis Dessoliers for winning the recent Finding Inspiration In Our National Parks Assignment with the image, “Zion Wonderland.” View the winning image and a selection of submissions below. And be sure to check out our current photography assignment here and enter your best shots! .alm-btn-wrap{display:block;text-align:center;padding:10px 0;margin:0 0 15px;position:relative}.alm-btn-wrap:after{display:table;clear:both;height:0;content: »}.alm-btn-wrap .alm-load-more-btn{font-size:15px;font-weight:500;width:auto;height:43px;line-height:1;background:#ed7070;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.04);box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.04);color:#fff;border:none;border-radius:4px;margin:0;padding:0… Poursuivre la lecture Finding Inspiration In Our National Parks Assignment Winner Denis Dessoliers