Which Camera Brand Personality Are You? (Cartoon)

Cartoon of camera brand personalities

Cartoon of camera brand personalities

If you were a camera brand which one would you be? Are you a Canon guy or a Nikon gal? Do you favor Leica flair or Sony style? Perhaps Pentax panache is more your jam?

That’s the question addressed in a playful and, if we’re being honest, pretty spot-on cartoon from Joe Edelman called “Camera Brand Personalities,” which you can see at the top of this post.

Edelman is an award-winning photographer, author, and photo educator based in Allentown, PA and he shared the cartoon recently on his Facebook page, garnering over 350 likes, 116 comments, and 85 shares. And judging by some of the Facebook comments, Edelman’s cartoon really hit home.

In the comic, Canon users are depicted as muscle-bound photographers hoisting Canon’s iconic (and heavy) L-series lenses with ease. Sony shooters, meanwhile, appear hip and camera-ready, as if they’re about to capture B-roll for their next YouTube video. OM System (formerly Olympus) photographers, on the other hand, look like our kind of people – all set to bring their cameras and tripods into the great outdoors for a landscape or wildlife photo adventure.

“Which one are YOU? and WHY?” Edelman asks in his Facebook post. “Disclaimer: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.”

According to some of the comments, many photographers see themselves as a little bit of each.

“I’m a Canon, with elements from Sony, Panasonic, and OM System,” Zach Bell writes. “So, I’m a Canon EOS M50 in a rodeo arena. Not afraid to build muscles AND get dirty!”

Do any of these camera brand personalities register with you? Let us know in the comments which camera brand you think you are and why. See more of Edelman’s work on his website.