the why.

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Livestreams für dein Marketing. Höherer Kundenbindung und mehr Leads – Setup für Anfänger & Profis

Livestreams sind, wie bereits erwähnt, Echtzeitübertragungen. Dadurch ergibt sich automatisch ein Vorteil: Interaktion. Auf praktisch jeder Plattform, welche weiter unten aufgelistet sind, ist es möglich, mit den Zuschauern in Kontakt zu treten. Dadurch ergibt sich von vornherein ein persönliches Verhältnis, welches direkt zur Interaktion einlädt. Zudem können in Livestreams Mehrwerte geboten werden, während man immer… Poursuivre la lecture Livestreams für dein Marketing. Höherer Kundenbindung und mehr Leads – Setup für Anfänger & Profis

Fraud Alert: Scammers Posing as Fake Outdoor Photographer Editors

We wanted to make the Outdoor Photographer community aware that we’ve been alerted to several instances of scammers posing as editors of OP who have reached out to photographers. On various occasions, these fake OP editors have contacted photographers on Instagram and other social media sites saying they were interested in paying for image usage.… Poursuivre la lecture Fraud Alert: Scammers Posing as Fake Outdoor Photographer Editors

30 Hilarious & Funny WTF Photos That You’ve Ever Seen

Here are the 30 hilarious and funny WTF photos that you have ever seen. Every day people share a lot of interesting and funny things shared on the internet. There is an Instagram community called “No Eloquence“, followed by 662K people. This Instagram page dedicates itself to sharing funny WTF pictures that can confuse anyone… Poursuivre la lecture 30 Hilarious & Funny WTF Photos That You’ve Ever Seen

How to Make Your Next Film Look Big Budget (Even if it’s not)

If you’re just starting out, chances are you’ll be producing your own film or your producer doesn’t have that much budget to give you a lot of freedom in your creative work. We all know what most producers want. They want big returns. A huge return from a cheap budget is the best scenario for… Poursuivre la lecture How to Make Your Next Film Look Big Budget (Even if it’s not)

25 Photos Proving That Passengers From Hell Exist, As Shared On This Online Group

Here are the 20 photos proving that passengers from hell exist, as shared on this Instagram account called “Passenger Shaming”. This Insta account has more than 1 million followers and selected as Rolling Stone Magazine’s “100 Best Instagram Accounts”. In this gallery, you can find some amazing funny photos that happened on flights. Scroll down… Poursuivre la lecture 25 Photos Proving That Passengers From Hell Exist, As Shared On This Online Group

30 Funny Travel Photos That Didn’t Turn Out To Be As Expected

Here are the 30 funny travel photos that didn’t turn out to be as expected. Travel is the most memorable thing in our lives, we will plan so many things about our destinations. All of sudden our plan didn’t turn out to be as expected, here in this gallery you can find such photos that… Poursuivre la lecture 30 Funny Travel Photos That Didn’t Turn Out To Be As Expected

Artist Tullius Heuer Creates Digital Paintings That Leap Off The Page

Brazilian artist Tullius Heuer creates digital paintings that leap off the page. Tullius is a self-taught digital artist from Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. Tullius mixes images to create his own realities with touches of surrealism and often a certain somber bias and terror with figures that are surpassing the limits of his drawings. Scroll down and… Poursuivre la lecture Artist Tullius Heuer Creates Digital Paintings That Leap Off The Page

Become Powerfully Attached

The word “attached” is defined in two ways: Two or more items can be physically attached when visually connected or joined together; Two things can be emotionally attached when strong feelings of affection or connection exist. Regarding photography, both definitions can be applied in addition to a third where they overlap. DEF 1 – A… Poursuivre la lecture Become Powerfully Attached

Photographer Roeselien Raimond Captured Fairytale-Like Photos That Show The Beauty Of The Wild World

Dutch photographer Roeselien Raimond captured fairytale-like photos that show the beauty of the wild world. Roeselien is a self-employed photographer, editor, and author. Specialized in fox photography, but with a love for (almost) anything that breathes. In her words “I have been a graphic designer/web designer for years, which may sound fun and creative, but… Poursuivre la lecture Photographer Roeselien Raimond Captured Fairytale-Like Photos That Show The Beauty Of The Wild World