The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Wedding Photography

There aren’t too many days in the life of a person that can be defined as special, which is why those that are should be appreciated and memorized forever. One of those days is the wedding day for sure.

It is a very meaningful event because not only will you make things official when it comes to your partner, and take your relationship to the next level, but you’ll also spend the day with all the people you love.

This is a perfect moment to create some of the most spectacular pictures in the world, that are going to capture all those beautiful moments that are full of love and emotions. If you want to make your pictures look professional regardless of your experience and skills, then these are the tips that you must follow!

The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Wedding Photography


A lot of people, particularly women are scared that they’ll look unattractive on their photos, hence when it’s time to take pictures, they tend to become too stiff and do not allow themselves to get caught up in the moment.

That’s because they tend to obsess too much over little things, along with the photographs they see on a variety of different social media platforms where everybody looks perfect (at first glance, of course).

And then they normally strike a pose that makes them look like every other person which is completely wrong. Bear in mind that there will always be beautiful and photogenic people, which shouldn’t make you feel bad about yourself.

Instead, you should focus on your wedding day, and be spontaneous and relaxed, because only then you’ll be able to make phenomenal pictures. Maybe you will make some mistakes during your photoshoot, but who cares?

It’s not the end of the world. If you (or anyone else) look “bad” in one picture, then just make sure to take more pics and that’s it! Do not stress over issues that aren’t that serious and just focus on capturing unforgettable moments. That’s the only thing that matters!

A Professional Can Help!

A vast majority of couples resort to professional photography for their wedding. Why is it such a good idea? Passionate photographers at SvenStudios would like to accentuate the fact that when you hire a professional photographer, you get a person who has a plethora of experience when it comes to this. It’s someone who has spent years and years trying to master their skills and practicing to become a real expert.

With them, you won’t end up with average-looking pictures, but first-class ones that you will cherish for the rest of your life. Besides that, when you hire a professional, then you won’t need to worry about having phenomenal images, because you can leave it all up to them, while you can focus on having a great time!

The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Wedding Photography

The Essentials That You Must Have

If you decide that you do not want to hire anyone, but rely solely on your skills and talent, then the least you can do is equip yourself with the right tools. The ones that are most essential include the following:

  • Everything becomes so much simpler when you have two camera bodies. If that’s not the case, then the second best thing you can do is to ask someone you trust (like your family members and/or friends) to borrow one for this event. In most cases, people who are great at photographing usually utilize two main lenses. Having a camera body for every lens is a lot more time-effective and reliable too! It’s so much more convenient knowing that you have also a backup camera.
  • It’s always a good idea to have a camera that enables you to put two memory cards. That’s because you can never be too sure that your memory card will serve you till the very last moment. Normally, high-quality cameras allow you to save every picture to both memory cards, which is a great thing because you won’t need to worry that you’ll lose any images.
  • It would be wise to buy 2 x 64 GB memory cards. How come? Well, that’s because you do not want to waste your time changing memory cards during the wedding and potentially miss out on important moments during this event.
  • When it comes to lenses, seasoned photographers recommend having both a general-purpose zoom lens and a portrait lens.

The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Wedding Photography

Don’t Forget To Keep Things Simple

This is a piece of advice that’s dedicated to anybody who plans on taking a picture on this day, whether it’s a bride/groom, a professional, a guest, or anyone else. People tend to (which isn’t anything surprising) to further complicate things, especially in terms of the gear they’ll be using.

Although there’s nothing wrong in employing fancy lighting or any other piece of equipment, if you do not have lots of experience as far as this goes, then it would be best if you kept things simple.

On the other hand, if you allow yourself to constantly think about the equipment that you’ll be utilizing, then you won’t be as effective and fast. That’s probably one of the biggest mistakes people make during wedding days.

Bear in mind that if you are continuously focused on taking spectacular pictures, then you’ll be severely stressed out which is certainly counterproductive. Instead of trying to incorporate various ways to light up a dance floor (or any other part of the venue), it would be much better to simply pay all your attention to one way you can light it up.

This is just an example of how things should generally function during picture taking. When it comes to gear that you’ll be using, don’t forget that it’s supposed to be your helping hand, not something that’s going to get in your way.

It’s important to equip yourself with a couple of gear essentials (like the ones that were previously mentioned) and not bring along an entire photo studio.

Taking wedding pictures may seem simple at first glance, but that’s not always the case, particularly if you’re an amateur. However, if you implement at least one of the tips that were provided today, you’ll be able to properly prepare yourself for the upcoming event.