Snap Out Of It: How Photography is Good for your Health and Wellbeing

Whether you have a digital or disposable camera, or even use your smartphone, photography is intrinsically woven into our daily lives. From our pets to delicious-looking plates of food, snapping a couple of photos can capture amazing moments for decades to come.

In addition to this, one lesser-known benefit of photography is that it can actually be good for our health and wellbeing. But, how is this possible? Let’s take a look.

How Photography is Good for your Health

#1 Connect with nature

Connecting with nature can benefit your health and well-being significantly. Whether it is exploring new places or hanging out in your beloved garden sanctuary, the charity Mind suggests that nature can improve mood, reduce stress, aid relaxation, and improve overall well-being.

Photography can give you the boost you need to go on adventures into the countryside and find brand new perspectives of nature that you potentially haven’t uncovered before, thus connecting you with the earth and helping you feel more grounded.

How Photography is Good for your Health

#2 Inspire creativity and direction

Photography can push you to be more creative. By picking up a new hobby, you can also benefit from more direction and drive in your life. It is something that you can work on, experiments with, and ultimately hone your skills.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with both the subject and style of your shots – after all, your photos should say something about you. Try out different SLR and DSLR camera lenses, for example. Different camera lenses immediately switch up the composition and exposition of the shot, injecting some creativity and personality from the get-go.

How Photography is Good for your Health

#3 Increased self-care and introspection

One scientific study undertaken by Dr. Liz Brewster and Dr. Andrew Cox, from Lancaster University and the University of Sheffield respectively, suggests that undertaking photography daily and posting it online can improve self-care habits.

This is because photography allows you to look inwards for a better understanding of oneself, but sharing your work with others also helps to increase interaction. Thus, it can help to relieve self-confidence issues and loneliness alike, whilst also leaving you feeling refreshed.

How Photography is Good for your Health

#4 It can change your outlook on life

Taking photos can help you to see things in a more positive light, and appreciate the beauty of the world around you. Even things that seem very ordinary can be seen from a different perspective thanks to photography.

By capturing such moments of beauty, you have something to look back on when times are hard, reminding you of the positive things in the world. Not only this, but it can also capture your friends, family, and loved ones, so you can keep them close at all times.

How Photography is Good for your Health

#5 Gently gets the body moving

In addition to boosting your mental health, photography can also benefit your physical health too. It is a great motivation to go for a long walk and get active, especially when considering the weight of the equipment you might carry.

Plus, getting into position for the perfect shot requires you to use many of your muscles. Climbing, crouching, squatting, and even keeping your arm perfectly steady all contribute toward muscular training.

As you can see, photography can have a multitude of benefits in our lives – not only as an exciting art form, but an activity that can boost health and wellbeing.

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