Game-Changing Gear for Your YouTube Studio

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Die perfekte Länge für dein Video ✓ – Instagram, Youtube, Facebook & Co.

Bei YouTube unterscheiden wir zwischen organisch ausgespielten Posts & Paid Ads. Bei der organischen Variante sollte sich dein Video zwischen fünf und acht Minuten bewegen. Wieso? Weil Menschen auf YouTube durchaus bereit sind, sich auf Video-Content einzulassen. Beim Storytelling im Vlog-Style oder bei Interviews darfst du hier auch gerne länger werden. Bei den Paid Ads… Poursuivre la lecture Die perfekte Länge für dein Video ✓ – Instagram, Youtube, Facebook & Co.

10 Tips for DaVinci Resolve on the iPad Pro

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Should You Use DaVinci Resolve as a Beginner Video Editor?

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These 30 Confusing Photos Will Test Your Perception and Leave You Wondering

Here are the 30 confusing photos that will test your perception and leave you wondering. “Confusing photos” is a simple and straightforward way to describe images that are not what they seem to be. It effectively communicates the idea that the photos are causing confusion or ambiguity in the viewer’s perception. Scroll down and enjoy… Poursuivre la lecture These 30 Confusing Photos Will Test Your Perception and Leave You Wondering

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Lost in Translation: 25 Photos That Will Leave You Puzzled and Perplexed

Here are the 25 photos that will leave you puzzled and perplexed. Photos without context can be difficult to interpret or understand fully. They may lack the necessary information to provide a complete understanding of what is happening in the photo, who is in it, where it was taken, and why. Without context, a photo… Poursuivre la lecture Lost in Translation: 25 Photos That Will Leave You Puzzled and Perplexed

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When Photoshop Goes Wrong: 20 Funniest Editing Fails You’ll Ever See

Here are the 20 funniest Photoshop editing fails you will ever see. “Photoshop fails” refers to instances where photo editing software, particularly Adobe Photoshop, has been used poorly or excessively, resulting in obvious and often humorous mistakes. Some common Photoshop fails are “Overly Smooth Skin”, “Missing Limbs”, “Warped Backgrounds”, “Floating Objects”, “Mismatched Lighting”, and many… Poursuivre la lecture When Photoshop Goes Wrong: 20 Funniest Editing Fails You’ll Ever See

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20 Photos That Show People Exceeded The Limits Of Creativity

Here are the 20 photos that show people exceeded the limits of creativity. Creativity is not limited by any specific set of boundaries, and people often push the limits of what is considered creative in their respective fields. In fact, it is often the pursuit of something new and innovative that drives creative individuals to… Poursuivre la lecture 20 Photos That Show People Exceeded The Limits Of Creativity

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