Missy Mandel, a talented nature photographer hailing from Toronto, Canada, shares a profound connection with the natural world. There’s a deep resonance that nature holds within her, shaping the lens through which she views and captures the world.
According to Missy, “The more I immerse myself in photographing and observing wildlife, the stronger my belief grows that both birds and animals experience genuine emotions and feelings. My goal is to encapsulate these fleeting moments, bringing viewers closer to the intricate details, vibrant colors, and indomitable spirit of the wild creatures I encounter.”
Scroll down and inspire y ourself. You check more Missy’s work from her Website.
You can find Missy Mandel on the Web:
“I love photography, as it allows me to better appreciate the wonderful things I see. Nature somehow connected with something deep inside of me. This has greatly influenced how I see and photograph the world. The more I photograph and observe wildlife the more I am convinced both birds and animals have emotions and feelings. I strive to capture these moments by taking people closer to see better the detail, colour and spirit of a wild creature.”