30 Finalists From The Comedy Pet Awards That Will Make You Smile

In a world often filled with hustle and bustle, moments of pure joy and laughter are like precious gems, lighting up our lives and reminding us of the simple pleasures that bring us together. And what better way to ignite a smile than with the antics of our beloved animal companions? The Comedy Pet Awards 2024 did just that, showcasing a delightful array of finalist photos that are bound to leave you grinning from ear to ear.

From playful pups to mischievous felines, the finalists of this year’s Comedy Pet Awards captured the hearts of viewers with their irresistible charm and infectious energy. Each photograph is a testament to the unique bond between humans and animals, as well as the endless capacity for laughter and love that exists within it.

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#1. ‘Tarzan’ By Kazutoshi Ono

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#2. ‘Peek A Boo’ By Sylvia Michel

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#3. ‘Who Are You’ By Silvia Jiang

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#4. ‘Nosey Neighbours’ By Emma Beardsmore

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#5. ‘Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting’ By Sylvia Michel

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#6. ‘I Think I Saw A Mouse’ By Debby Thomas

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#7. ‘Sun Lover’ By Alina Vogel

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#8. ‘New Rose’ By Jonathan Casey

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#9. ‘Cat In A Trap. Like Super Mario’ By Kenichi Morinaga

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#10. ‘Um Excuse Me’ By Chantal Sammons

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#11. ‘Kitty In The Kitchen’ By Atsuyuki Ohshimo

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#12. ‘Curls In The Wind’ By Julia Illig

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#13. ‘You Didn’t Hear This From Me’ By Kenichi Morinaga

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#14. ‘Hard Workers’ By Atsuyuki Ohshimo

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#15. ‘Kitten Stuck In Traffic’ By Tomoaki Tanto

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#16. ‘Not Just For Cats’ By Sarah Haskell

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#17. ‘Dancing Queen’ By Vera Faupel

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#18. ‘I Believe I Can Fly’ By Julie Smith

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#19. ‘It’s Fu Cold’ By Tammo Zelle

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#20. ‘The Proud Pup And His Best Friend’ By Darya Zelentsova

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#21. ‘What Am I Thinking ?’ By David Kertzman

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#22. ‘It’s Time To Get Up’ By Lock Liu

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#23. ‘Belly Dancer Style’ By Vittorio Ricci

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#24. ‘You Keep Watch’ By Yasudu Aburanekomaru

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#25. ‘Tired Donkey’ By Charlotte Kitchen

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#26. ‘Pool Friends’ By Diann Johnson

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#27. ‘Grumpy Dog’ By Luiza Ribeiro

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#28. ‘Really!!’ By Anna Petro

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#29. ‘It’s Behind You’ By Philippa Huber

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

#30. ‘Peekaboo’ By Bernard Sim

Comedy Pet Awards 2024 Finalists

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