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Mois : février 2023
Lost in Translation: 25 Photos That Will Leave You Puzzled and Perplexed
Here are the 25 photos that will leave you puzzled and perplexed. Photos without context can be difficult to interpret or understand fully. They may lack the necessary information to provide a complete understanding of what is happening in the photo, who is in it, where it was taken, and why. Without context, a photo… Poursuivre la lecture Lost in Translation: 25 Photos That Will Leave You Puzzled and Perplexed
When Photoshop Goes Wrong: 20 Funniest Editing Fails You’ll Ever See
Here are the 20 funniest Photoshop editing fails you will ever see. “Photoshop fails” refers to instances where photo editing software, particularly Adobe Photoshop, has been used poorly or excessively, resulting in obvious and often humorous mistakes. Some common Photoshop fails are “Overly Smooth Skin”, “Missing Limbs”, “Warped Backgrounds”, “Floating Objects”, “Mismatched Lighting”, and many… Poursuivre la lecture When Photoshop Goes Wrong: 20 Funniest Editing Fails You’ll Ever See
Snow And Ice Scenes Assignment Winner Josh Zielinski
Congratulations to Josh Zielinski for winning the recent Snow And Ice Scenes Assignment with the image, “Ash Cave in the Winter.” View the winning image and a selection of submissions below. And be sure to check out our current photography assignment here and enter your best shots! .alm-btn-wrap{display:block;text-align:center;padding:10px 0;margin:0 0 15px;position:relative}.alm-btn-wrap:after{display:table;clear:both;height:0;content: »}.alm-btn-wrap .alm-load-more-btn{font-size:15px;font-weight:500;width:auto;height:43px;line-height:1;background:#ed7070;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.04);box-shadow:0 1px 1px… Poursuivre la lecture Snow And Ice Scenes Assignment Winner Josh Zielinski
Why You Should Visit Svalbard In Norway For Photography
Shot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM at 20mm, LEE 100mm 2-stop graduated neutral density filter, Gitzo tripod, Induro ball head. Exposure: 0.4 sec., ƒ/11 ISO 100. The Svalbard archipelago lies about halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole. About the size of West Virginia with a… Poursuivre la lecture Why You Should Visit Svalbard In Norway For Photography
Last Frame: An Uncertain Pelican
Photo By Dawn Wilson “I found this brown pelican waking on a cloudy, cold morning—especially for southern Louisiana—after a shower passed over the area earlier that morning,” explains Dawn Wilson. “There’s a series of pilings along a canal near Lake Pontchartrain where pelicans and other coastal birds rest each evening. The morning can be a… Poursuivre la lecture Last Frame: An Uncertain Pelican
30 Funny Photos Of Animals Caught On Camera In Really Odd Places
Here are the 30 funny photos of animals caught on camera in really odd places. Animals can sometimes be found in odd places, such as a raccoon in a chimney, a deer in a swimming pool, a cat in a tree, a penguin on a beach, or a snake in a toilet. The ‘Animals Where… Poursuivre la lecture 30 Funny Photos Of Animals Caught On Camera In Really Odd Places
Photo Of The Day By Randy Robbins
Photo By Randy Robbins Today’s Photo of the Day is “Puma Concolor” by Randy Robbins. Location: Lassen County, California. “In the fall and winter months, I use trail cameras and camera traps on my property to target local wildlife,” explains Robbins. “This mountain lion has a favorite path of travel about 100 yards behind my… Poursuivre la lecture Photo Of The Day By Randy Robbins
20 Photos That Show People Exceeded The Limits Of Creativity
Here are the 20 photos that show people exceeded the limits of creativity. Creativity is not limited by any specific set of boundaries, and people often push the limits of what is considered creative in their respective fields. In fact, it is often the pursuit of something new and innovative that drives creative individuals to… Poursuivre la lecture 20 Photos That Show People Exceeded The Limits Of Creativity
How Time Impacts An Image
The shutter duration was 30 seconds. I used a flashlight throughout the entire exposure to add light to the main elements. This week’s tip was conceived while driving through the mountains and listening to Deep Tracks on satellite radio. The sound of a lone cowbell filled the air, which was immediately followed by a fuzz… Poursuivre la lecture How Time Impacts An Image