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Mois : novembre 2022
30 Winning Photos Of African Wildlife Photography Awards 2022
Here are the 30 winning photos of Benjamin Mkapa African Wildlife Photography Awards 2022. This year the grand prize winner is Michelle Kranz of Boulder, Colorado, USA for his photo “Mountain Gorilla” captured in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. African Wildlife Foundation is currently aiding the Rwandan government in a pioneering program to accommodate a vulnerable,… Poursuivre la lecture 30 Winning Photos Of African Wildlife Photography Awards 2022
30 Interesting Photos Showing The Beauty Of Nature’s Mysteries
Here are the 30 interesting photos showing the beauty of nature’s mysteries. The nature always surprise us with amazing miracles and mysteries. There are so many people always love to capture these hidden things and share with us on the internet. Here in this gallery you can find some amazing and interesting photos. Scroll down… Poursuivre la lecture 30 Interesting Photos Showing The Beauty Of Nature’s Mysteries
Transform Your Favorite Smartphone Photos into Memorable Holiday Gifts
If you often find yourself stressing about what to give loved ones as gifts for the holidays or for their birthdays, your smartphone may hold all the answers. And no, we’re not talking about online shopping; we’re talking about all the amazing photos it holds. Nowadays, almost everyone has several thousand photos on their smartphone.… Poursuivre la lecture Transform Your Favorite Smartphone Photos into Memorable Holiday Gifts
Motion Blur Assignment Winner Garry Everett
Congratulations to Garry Everett for winning the recent Motion Blur Assignment with the image, “Moonlight Coast.” See more of Everett’s photography at View the winning image and a selection of submissions below. And be sure to check out our current photography assignment here and enter your best shots! .alm-btn-wrap{display:block;text-align:center;padding:10px 0;margin:0 0 15px;position:relative}.alm-btn-wrap:after{display:table;clear:both;height:0;content: »}.alm-btn-wrap .alm-load-more-btn{font-size:15px;font-weight:500;width:auto;height:43px;line-height:1;background:#ed7070;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.04);box-shadow:0… Poursuivre la lecture Motion Blur Assignment Winner Garry Everett
Invest In Premium Camera Lens Filters
Camera lens filters are an essential accessories to achieve the best quality images, especially in outdoor conditions where the light can change quickly and isn’t easily controlled as in a studio environment. Serious photographers invest in top-quality equipment to help ensure that their images are the best they can be. When it comes to building… Poursuivre la lecture Invest In Premium Camera Lens Filters
Photo Of The Day By Daniel Forster
Today’s Photo of the Day is “Skyrise” by Daniel Forster. Location: Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness, Colorado. “The Maroon Bells mountains wrapped in autumn colors at night with a sky filled with stars and the Milky Way,” describes Forster. Want to get your images in the running for a Photo of the Day feature? Photo of… Poursuivre la lecture Photo Of The Day By Daniel Forster
Be Zealous Not Jealous
Have you ever looked at photos of awe-inspiring places and thought how magnificent it would be to journey there but doubted your chances because life gets in the way? Have you ever looked at an image of a far-off destination and thought how lucky that photographer was to get to travel to that location? Have… Poursuivre la lecture Be Zealous Not Jealous
Interview With Nature Photographer Fabiano Dossantos
Fabiano Dossantos is a Brazil-born nature photographer currently living in Boston, Massachusetts – USA. In his words about nature photography “I’ve Always loved nature and being outside. Birds, animals, beaches, mountains, forests are an attraction to my eyes. Over the years, I realized that this love for nature, made a perfect marriage with my love… Poursuivre la lecture Interview With Nature Photographer Fabiano Dossantos
FUJIFILM X-H2S Cinematic Footage 4K DCI – Sensor size still doesn’t matter!
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