Color Grading Clips from a 13-year-old camera, Canon 7D

I’ve been challenging myself lately. I want to grade the clips from a very old camera, Canon 7D, and turn them into feature film-worthy clips for today’s generation. Before we start, here’s the situation. Canon 7D has a really poor dynamic range. Even though it was used in feature films before, the image quality isn’t… Poursuivre la lecture Color Grading Clips from a 13-year-old camera, Canon 7D

7 Quick Color Grading Tips for Beginner Colorists

Color grading is now a job that I’m paid for. Yes, you can be a freelance colorist, too! If you’re just starting out, here are tips that will get you from a newbie to an intermediate colorist. [embedded content][embedded content] Use the Right Software for Color Grading No matter how good you are, the tools… Poursuivre la lecture 7 Quick Color Grading Tips for Beginner Colorists