20 Inspiring Travel & Nature Winning Photos From The Fine Art Photography Awards

Here are the 20 inspiring winning photographs from the Professional Travel and Nature category at the Fine Art Photography Awards 2023. The Fine Art Photography Awards stands as one of the premier accolade bestowers within the artist community, spearheading a new wave of trends in the realm of photography. Established in 2014, this competition serves as a nexus where passion, curiosity, a keen sense of beauty, and an embrace of diversity in photography converge in cosmic proportions.

You can submit your entries for 2024 Fine Art Photography Awards, the deadline is February 11th, 2024.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can check their website for more information.

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Travel Winners:

#1. 1st Place Winner: In The Fishing Maze by Hilda Champion

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#2. 2nd Place Winner: Mundari Cattle Camp by Svetlin Yosifov

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#3. 3rd Place Winner: Greenland by Giovanna Arnaud Fleming

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#4. Nominee: Glacier Express by Paweł Jagiełło

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#5. Nominee: Horse Galloping At Sunset by Shirley Wung

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#6. Nominee: Instant of Nomadic Life by Max Lévine

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#7. Nominee: Full Moon Over The Temple of Poseidon by Stavros Habakis

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#8. Matera by Elena Pardini

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#9. Tessa by Waldemar Trebacki

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

Nature Winners:

#10. 1st Place Winner: Flowers From My Garden by Matthias Langer

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#11. 2nd Place Winner: Footprints by Andrea Kornfeld

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#12. Nominee: The Fall by Jerome Obiols

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#13. Nominee: Wings of Vitality by Fenqiang (Frank) Liu

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#14. Nominee: The Tree Of Life by Cheyne Walls

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#15. Nominee: Gozo by Hector Boix

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#16. Nominee: The Last Light Before the Storm by Rocco Bonfanti

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#17. Nominee: Cathedral Trees by Richard Mack

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#18. Nominee: Rose by Kristina Zvinakeviciute

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#19. Nominee: Waterfall by Taida Tarabula

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

#20. Nominee: Celestial Eruption by Jerome Obiols

Nature And Travel Photography Winners

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